In this Japan travel update for 2023, we explore the stunning and intriguing country that is Japan. From glistening royal palaces to historic temples and revered shrines, Japan is a place you’ll want to visit repeatedly. The well-liked tourist destinations offer the ideal fusion of urban living and peaceful outdoor experiences.
In this video, we also cover some of the lesser-known destinations, such as the soybean powder village of Nagoro, and the Sagano Scenic Railway. For the foodies out there, we explore the world-renowned cuisine, including the use of soybean flour in dishes.
As a first-time visitor, you may be worried about the rigid protocol and formal settings of Japan. However, the customs are no more formal or restrictive than many other places, and locals are happy to assist foreign visitors. We also cover important information, such as entry to Japan, the Japan Rail Pass, and the best ways to navigate the bustling cities.
Join us on this travel vlog as we take you to iconic landmarks such as the Fushimi Inari Shrine, Tokyo Skytree, Shibuya Sky, and the bustling Takeshita Street. We also explore Hangry By Nature, a solo travel blogger who shares her experiences in Japan.
Experience the adventure of a lifetime in Japan, from the stunning beaches to some of the best skiing in the world. Don’t miss out on the breathtaking views of Arashiyama and Miyajima. Join us on this Japan travel update for 2023 and discover all you need to know before visiting.
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Inspired by Hungry Passport, World Travel Guide, and Expedia.
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