Every state in the world necessarily presents surprises to travelers and new residents. For example, Norway. According to experienced tourists, they discover the amazing features of this northern country every time they visit. These interesting impressions will be discussed in this post.
In Norway, nature is for the people. The right to unhindered use of natural resources is regulated by a special law. But people are very careful and responsible about the world around them, although they go hiking very often. The Norwegians even have a certain word friluftsliv, which means “living in nature”
Norway is famous all over the world for the amazing wealth of reservoirs. Many lovers of this hobby come here to fish. If you decide to fish in the sea and fjords, then you will not need a license, but if you want to fish in freshwater reservoirs, then please purchase a permit at post offices or on the official website. The law establishes catch standards: one person has the right to export 15 kilograms of fillets, and one more large fish.
In July, life in all of Norway practically stops. Streets are emptying, many institutions are closing, kindergartens are not working. This is because almost all residents of the country go on annual vacations at this time. By law, Norwegians are entitled to five weeks of rest, three of which they must take in July. Many residents of Norway leave who goes where: some to bask in the sun in the south of Europe, others, closer to nature in the mountains. So, if you are going to Norway in July, then keep in mind that it is almost useless to apply to any institutions. And you should not come here in October and November, otherwise you will be very disappointed, because during these two months in Norway the weather is almost always very bad.
There are many houses in Norway that seem to have descended from the pages of fairy tales. Grass-covered roofs appeared here at the beginning of the XIX century. Such a peat roof retains heat very well, does not overheat in the summer and provides excellent sound insulation. And a huge plus of the grass roof is that it is not afraid of almost any winds. The composition of such a roof is complex: first there is a layer of dry bark, which was smeared with sheep fat, peat was laid on top, straw was placed on it, and all this was covered with moss. The grass is constantly in need of moisture, which is facilitated by frequent precipitation in the country
For those who moved to live in Norway, at first it seems that people almost do not work here. Children from children’s institutions are taken away at 16 o’clock. Until about 17 o’clock, the roads and supermarkets are crowded, and then everyone goes to a family dinner. By law, a working day in Norway lasts 7.5 hours, but offices mostly work for 6-7 hours. People are released quite early, due to the fact that they start the working day, sometimes even at 7 in the morning. Sick days are taken here only for a very good reason. If a Norwegian is a little sick, he can take 3 days, and there is no need to provide any certificates to the employer. During the year, everyone has the right to twelve such “sick” days.
Primary school students are taught mainly in a playful way, sometimes even whole performances are played out. If the school is located far from the child’s place of residence, then a bus or taxi will take him to the place of study. Moreover, the range is considered as follows: for primary classes it is two kilometers, for older ones it is four kilometers. To instill in children a love of nature twice a week, the whole class goes hiking, sometimes even for the whole day. But there is also a big drawback in the educational process – they do not feed at all in schools. Therefore, children have to take food from home.
10 facts about Norway from avid travelers 4k. #4k #norway #relaxingmusic #travel #10facts
by | Aug 15, 2022
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